
Take pressure off the diagnostic imaging centre team by streamlining your administration workflow using MEDITICE®


The triage workflow can be defined for individual complex services for triaging prior to appointment booking.

This functionality includes a process workflow from triage enquiry through to appointment booking that requires both healthcare professional and admin task engagement.  

Triage enquiries are flagged to the appropriate user to ensure a timely response.  A triage booking is a missed appointment opportunity and patient care if response time is protracted.


Create new appointments and manage existing appointments within the system using advanced scheduling logic.

Reschedule, edit, cancel, or resend the patients appointment information. Make payments, refund and discount service capabilities including viewing patient booking history are all easily accessible.

The billing module allows both the patient and the admin team to make payment against defined transaction types assigned to each location.

MEDITICE® incorporates an obstetrics gestation module that enables obstetric time dependent services to be booked.


Being able to see a diary in a snapshot is a great way of viewing daily tasks, specific requirements and procedures that need to be followed in preparation for a patient study.

With the added integration of the MEDITICE® DICOM Modality Work List feature the modality equipment can be configured to receive the daily worklist reducing human double entry error, managing staff time more efficiently that ultimately improves patient care and appointment availability.

With a built-in timesheet system based off of an individual Healthcare professionals schedule, this will help to manage staff costs and productivity.


MEDITICE® provides admin users with a snapshot of availability across diagnostic imaging centre locations, departments and a specific scan service for a particular date range. This highlights staff and location availability to optimise new appointment bookings. 

Advanced scheduling logic is automatically applied to scans, staffing and operating hours for either a single clinic or network, to ensure operational efficiency. 


MEDITICE® provides an easy process for the admin and accounts teams to process self-referral, referred, referrers, national service contracts and private medical insurance billing and accruals within the ecosystem.  

Data entry automation, invoicing, billing status workflows and accounting reporting for debtors are all accessible within the ecosystem.

The system can be configured to accept payments via multiple payment methods that are customised further depending on business requirements from private clients through to national service contracts invoicing.

MEDITICE® the only software to optimise your diagnostic imaging centre.